Thursday, 9 May 2013

How to plan for your financial success

When it comes to finances these are times of high level of uncertainty because you are never sure about your future. But if we start being hands on and do some financial planning , we could change this uncertain future to be a more expected one.

If you plan it will change your life because you become more in control of things in your life. You will eventually start enjoying something in your life. You'll start having a more balanced lifestyle, increase yourself value, have a much better attitude towards other people and you will find prosperity.

A number of people put in a lot of time and effort into their lives but they gain very little from their efforts. I'll tell you what a wise man once said "if you don't allow your ideas to work for you, you will work for someone elses idea". Sorry to sound harsh but what he meant is that a number of us will crush our own ideas before we even attempt them, but yet when your boss tells you new ideas to his company we gladly bust our efforts ensuring that his idea becomes a success. Understand this when you plan and apply self manangment, you will change the relationship between what you put into your life and the outcome of it.

Planning is writting down your own personal dream and turning it to a goal.
Claim back what you have lost have lost in your financial life. Become everything the you can be in all areas of your personal and financial life. Refuse to accept a negative kind of life and the way of thinking towards your finances.
Never make peace with a negative life. Because you if you make peace with that you will stop you from trying to find ways to escape this kind of condition. When you start planning you change your current financial situtaution and start reaching your goals.

Planning and Goals

The long term financial goal should be financial independence. You are never too young to start planning for your retirement. The sooner you start the sooner you can be able to afford an early retirement.

What does financial independence mean?
Financial independance means not depending on a job or family for your finances.
A financial independant person does not have to work in order to survive fanancialy it is because they have accumulated enough resourses that they no longer rely on any one else for money.

What happens if you plan?
There are quite a lot of benefits for a person that plans. A person that plans has a vivid picture and much clearer vision how they can get themselves where they are longing to go.
Their are outcomes are a happy family, plenty of money, good medical care, food, water, and a secure home. For people that don't plan the worst could come up like unhappy family, debts, no medical care, strugle for food and no education for your children.
As an individual you choose your outcomes in life. It is very important to descipline yourself in order to be successful.

How to Plan
A written plan cystalyses your vision and motivates you even more to work towards it. Everytime you review it you become motivated. Write you goals down. Then have a written plan of how are you intending to get to your written goals.

When planning you must have: short term, meduim term and long term goals written down and how each of the will be achieved.

Planning will encourage you to:

  • think about your life
  • your current condition
  • become aware of your objectives and goals
  • apply some financial discipline in your life
  • look seriouly on your financial future
One of most important things you need not to leave out when it comes to planning  your way to financial success is to draw up a monthly budget for yourself. Esure you open a saving account for unforeseen challenges coming up so that it wont mess up your monthly budget.

Personal financial success depends on how desciplined an individual is.  Remember this success is for everyone who pays intrest in it. All the best in the future.

Consult with your financail advisor for major decision.

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